Thursday 9 August 2012

Saltburn Art Fair | Couples Portraits

The couple I invited on the trip were lovely to photograph. I suggested taking some pictures of them together on the pier. These were probably my favourite shots from the day and enjoyed the process.

I experimented with composition, for example looking towards the sea and sitting on a bench. Luckily it wasn’t too cold, as previous times id been on the pier, the weather has meant I was unable to take natural looking portraits.

Using the pier as a background for couple shots worked really well. I had previously photographed another couple earlier in the year. The work I’ve done previously with couples I’ve really enjoyed, I hope other opportunities will arise for me to do some more in the future.

Saltburn Art Fair | People and Animals General

I enjoyed the cliff lift; the lighting was quite dark inside and therefore made some interesting silhouette themed photos. There was a series of shots I had taken of my friend, and I liked how the light hit the side of her face. The background shows the pier quite well and it’s evident that the shot was taken in Saltburn.

The cliff lift had been refurbished with beautiful stain glass windows, this was lovely to photograph. Using this as backdrop, I photographed a friend while we were in the cliff lift. I was pleased with the results both in colour and monochrome.

I included a series of unconventional shots of a Labrador. I only had a couple of minutes with the dog, as their owners were walking past. They were happy to help however and the dog was lovely. Unfortunately it wouldn’t sit still; but I kept shooting anyway and came up with some fun shots.

Saltburn Art Fair | Cliff Lift

The cliff lift is one of signature views around Saltburn seafront. I don’t remember previously going on the cliff lift, although I may have been when I was younger and not remembered. I Suggested to my friends we go on the lift.

While we were waiting, I took some candid shots of people who were getting ready to go on. I experimented with different angles and tried to capture something different from what I’d seen done previously. 

On one image, I used the tranquil sea as a backdrop, the simplicity of this I quite liked. In another I used a mirror to capture interesting reflections of the knitted characters.

Saltburn Art Fair | Railings

I took a fair few of railings, mostly ones around the cliff lift area. They help frame many of the landscape shots quite well. Sometimes I focused on just the railings to let the background become less in focus. And of course I’ve included some of the railings on the pier.

Saltburn Art Fair | Other

This image I had taken of Saltburn shows an impression of the beach from a distance. I like how it has turned out because of the colours and also the miniature figures which are actually real people, some walking dogs.

The second image is a simple flower shot. It’s actually just from one of the flower beds running right across the seafront. The contrast of the orange and red flowers works quite well and the colours are lovely and bold.

Saltburn Art Fair | Knitted Characters

There were some new editions to the knitted characters on Saltburn sea front. Some characters had mysteriously popped up around the top of the cliff lift and pier. It felt like a brilliant opportunity to take some pics of the Olympic themed characters too.

I visited a new section of characters, relating mainly to the vandals who damaged some of the items previously. A quote had been knitted as well as a comical CCTV character. This had been featured in a local newspaper article.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Roses Project | Part 3

After visiting the allotment and photographing roses there, I felt I wanted to expand on my rose themed work. There were a couple of roses perfectly in bloom in the garden and thought the lighting looked attractive coming through the fence.

I zoomed right into the roses, to pick up the details and edges of the petals. There was a mixture of roses, some of these which were not yet in bloom yet. I liked the contrast of this, and developed this around a mother daughter idea.

After uploading the photos on my computer, I did some editing work on Photoshop. I increased the tones and on a few developed a more desaturated look to the images.

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